The Year of the Metal Ox (2021/4719)
The Metal Ox will bring order to the mess the Rat created last year, but the process will be slow and full of growing pains.
The Rat forced us to look inward. And, with the pandemic, quarantine, and shelterin in place, it also (you might say unpleasantly) removed the excuse of time from our hands. It also helped to decentralize the big cities worldwide, and people moved back to more rural or less congested areas. I believe this trend will continue this year. Furthermore, the Rat is the first animal in the Chinese Horoscope and usually can be an animal of considerable change. Last year, it started setting in motion a systematic change pattern worldwide.
February 12, 2021 marks the year of the Ox. For Daoists, the Ox/Buffalo has a greater meaning in regards to our emotional wellbeing. Taishang Laojun (Lao Tzu), Great (Highest) Clarity, ascended to the heavens on an Ox. In Daoism, we see this particular animal ruled by emotions and delusions. The image of Lao Tzu riding the Ox, as we can see in this image, is representative of the conquering of one’s emotional state (aka taming the “beast”). This means one is no longer ruled by emotions or delusions of the mundane world and can move along The Way of the Dao.
The Year of the Ox
The Ox is a solid animal, grounded and determined; its energy is based on discipline, work ethic, and training of military behaviors. It forces us to get in touch with our resources and organize them in a way so we can outlast what is to come. One thing that is to take into consideration is that rebellious and autocratic behaviors will be exposed to us in order for us to grow.
Due to the mismanagement of leadership worldwide, this year we will see a shortage of natural resources that we took for granted up to this point. Many developing countries and some world powers will see a rise in the tendency of the people to embrace the idea of every person for themselves.
Furthermore, I believe some of the powerful nations will continue the impose control over the citizens, “as safety measures”. This will affect the quality of living of the working class via continued contact tracing. I won’t be surprised if legal travel documents are needed to highlight if you have had Covid-19 or not, or if you have had the vaccine or not. This year we will see more restrictions. This Ox is not tamed or gentle.
This year will be good to recollect all the emotional gains and spiritual work of last year and engrain them in our cellular levels and gain clarity in the day-to-day. Focusing on meaningful and supportive relationships (in terms of relating and not in a fake Social media way) will be the key to a fulfilling and meaningful year.
In terms of monetary rewards, consistency and focus work will be the key to win (as always) but with this year, it is a little different. In addition to consistency and focus, patience will be the key to success; force your will on the Ox and it will show you its rough side. So lets double our efforts, be patient, and manage our emotions and fully allow ourselves to feel the weight of our responsibilities. This is the way.
For families, this is a great opportunity to get into a better place emotionally as a whole. Once again, discipline and commitment to each other will bring peace and when we have the sanctuary of our home we can go and slash dragons.
So in short DISCIPLINE, DISCIPLINE, CONSISTENCY, FOCUS ATTENTION, AND PATIENCE are the main keys to tame the Ox so we can ascend to the Tiger in the best shape of our lives.
心想事成 (Xīnxiǎng shì chéng) — May all your wishes come true.