About Last Night
No, I haven’t seen that live; I do not care about the media awards because I understand the selection process and the criteria to win one. I apologize if I brush your bubble, but talent and quality is not the main reason to get one.
Many individuals reach out to me evenly defending and condemning what Will Smith did. I have to go and watch it for myself before giving my informed perspective of what occurred.
Here is my take:
- To start, do not let Hollywood mess with your perception of what love is or how a loving and kind person behaves.
- To be clear, “A vessel for love” does not initiate violence under any circumstances; it does complete the opposite. What Will Smith did is not “Manly” is one of the weakest reactions a man can have.
- The phrase “Love makes you do crazy things” is the last phrase most abusers use to blame their victims for their actions, especially in acts of domestic violence.
- Someone received a standing ovation after assaulting a person for doing his job, it gets to show you how out of touch and corrupt it is the entertainment industry. It is the same industry that for years has been covering atrocious things.
- Be the role model for yourself, your family, and every person you come in contact with, and you will never be disappointed.
- Remember, an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.
We are 100% responsible for working in our emotional state. If you belive you can not do it alone, ask for help, the act of violence we do will extend for 3 generations. Think about that for a moment.
With love and gratitude,